Tuesday, November 29, 2005

What good is a journal article if you don't know it is there?

In order for journal articles to be used by students and scholars, they must have some way of being found. That is what indexing and abstracting services are for. The index takes all of the titles, authors and other pertinent information from published journals and makes it searchable for users. As new open-access publications are gaining reputations, various indexing services are picking them up. Biomed Central, the largest collection of open access science journals maintains a list of where their journals are indexed:

BioMed Central for libraries Journal indexing

Recently four titles (BMC Developmental Biology, BMC Immunology, BMC Neurology, and BMC
Structural Biology) were picked up for indexing by Thomson ISI, in their Science Citation Index. (CSULB staff, faculty and students have access to this index through Web of Science here)

Monday, November 21, 2005

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Read articles by Chemistry Nobel prize winners

ACS offers free access to journal articles written by 2005 Chemsity Nobel Laureates.

(CSULB users always have access to the journals through their library's subscription to ACS Web Editions)