Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Public Library of Science enters the mainstream

Been hesitant to publish your articles in open-access journals? Well, consider the Public Library of Science. PLOS Biology has a journal impact factor of 13.868 for 2004. That compares with Current Biology at 11.901, and is twice as high as the next journal listed in the biology category, FASEB Journal with 6.820.

You can check the impact factors of your favorite journals at Web of Science (access restricted to CSULB staff, faculty, and students). Use the pull-down menu at the top of the page to select Journal Citation Reports.

Other PLOS journals are also moving into the mainstream. You may have heard a story in the news on Monday about how cats can't taste sweetness? (It was featured on NPR Monday morning.) That article is published in the very first issue of PLOS Genetics.

Why are open access journals important? Why should you publish in open access journals?